Light It Up! For NDEAM® (Purple & Blue)
Thursday, October 20th 2022
Light It Up! For NDEAM®* is a national one-night only, coordinated lighting event in recognition of National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM).
The Light It Up! Campaign helps to raise business / industry awareness about the disability talent pool and the business case for inclusive hiring.
It also helps you grow your relationships with all stakeholders and raise your profile as an inclusive organization.
Distinctability were proud to be a very prominent supporter of NDEAM again here in Nova Scotia
*Light It Up! For NDEAM® is a registered trademark of the Ontario Disability Employment Network. Used with permission.
The Canadian Accessibility Network (CAN) again hosted Distinctability and our panel for a
CAN Connect Forum: "Increasing Accessibility with Assistive Technology"
on October 25th
This CAN Connect Forum was another engaging, collaborative discussion about how to make workplaces increasingly accessible and best suited for the transition from education into work.
Organizations from across Canada attended to listen to the views and opinions of the distinguished panel we had brought together who included :
Facilitator & Moderator David Banes, Distinctability’s internationally recognized ally and Assistive Technology expert, and panelists from Brain in Hand UK, the Ontario Disability Employment Network (ODEN), Fit First Technologies, and Ready, Willing and Able.
All of whom shared their thoughts and expertise on the latest supportive technology trends to make for a thoroughly valuable experience.
We look forward to working with Carleton University and the Canadian Disability Network again in the near future.